Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Which came first? The yarn or the project?

Knitters seem to fall into one of two categories. We either find a project we like then seek out the yarn or we fall in love with a yarn then figure out what to do with it. The calculated exactness of deciding on a project and knowing the proper weight and yardage of yarn before heading to your LYS is so organized and methodical. All you need to do is pick your favorite yarn and color. The entire store doesn't exist... Only the cubbies that hold the right fiber and weight for your project.  With all the options off the table you can focus on what you need.

Recently I wandered in to the yarn shop during a sale and found myself aimlessly meandering around, considering all the yarns in the store. This was completely overwhelming. I spent an enormous amount of time, finally found three yarns, narrowed each down to a few colors and guessed on the yardage that I might need for this imaginary project. 

I'm not sure I could do this again.   I rely on the certainty of a planned project before shopping for yarn.  Much to my surprise, three of the knitters in the store during that sale, rarely have a project in mind before buying yarn.  Wow!  How can this be?  I would love to hear other knitters' thoughts on this.  Which comes first?  The yarn or the project?


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